44 Balkan Based Historical Sites To Visit: The Guide

The Balkan Peninsula is a place with so many fantastic locations that will pay-off if you decide to visit.

We are talking about a multicultural and multilingual region in Europe linking the Orient to the West. It used to be the seat of the oldest European civilization, as well as a home to many empires throughout history.

Today it preserves its unique look created by centuries of different influences which made it a place worth seeing.

Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Kosovo, and Romania make up the core of this historical-cultural compound, while geographically it includes the countries of Greece, Turkey, and Moldova.

We will lead you through a virtual tour to show you 44 historical sites in the Balkans so you can experience the spirit and history of the region.

Famous Historical Sites In North Macedonia


The location of this site is at the foot of the Baba Mountain, in the southern part of the second largest city of Macedonia – Bitola. It bears the name of Heracles, the founder of the Macedonian royal Argead dynasty who became a mythical figure.

The Lyncestis designation comes from the former name of this very region – Lincestida, the homeland of the Macedonian Lincestidi tribe. Located on a fertile plain with the Baba Mountain (Tumbe Kafe) and the Siva Voda river on the southern side of the city it represents a unique ancient town worth visiting.

Did you Know? 

  • The city was located on the famous Via Egnatia road which connected the Orient to the Western world.
  • The Roman Emperor Hadrian financed the building of the theatre in the city.

Nearest Airports: 


Top Tour Organizers:


Recommended Places To Stay:

Top: Central Exclusive Apartment/Penthouse

Booking And Airbnb Lists:

Kokino Observatory


A great discovery was made in 2001 when the ruins of a Bronze Age settlement were found in the outskirts of the Kokino village in Macedonia. Besides finding interesting archeological artifacts like vessels and weapons, the explorers found giant stone arrangements in logical patterns, constructed on a location higher than 3,300 feet.

Further studies proved that these stones were used to follow the patterns of the sun and the moon, proving that the location is a megalithic observatory, built more than 3,800 years ago.

Did You Know?

  • The site was used as a sacred location also including an Iron Age agglomeration.

Nearest Airports:


Tour Organizers: 


Recommended Places To Stay: 

Top: Viktor’s Appartment

Booking And Airbnb Lists:


Ohrid reviewed on direktorium

A diamond located in the southwest of the country, Ohrid is very popular for its numerous churches, among which is the Church of St. John at Kaneo, and the homonymous lake. This 13th-century church is positioned on a cliff overlooking the Ohrid Lake. The ancient name of the location is Lychnidos, which can be translated as the city of lights. In ancient times, the city was located on the globally important Roman road Via Egnatia, which connected the East to the West.

An earthquake shook the city in 526 AD and left it in ruins. However, the city became an important educational and spiritual center in the following centuries – the seat of the early-medieval Ohrid Literary School and Archbishopric of Ohrid.

The modern city is visited not only because of the natural beauty and leisure centers on the lakeshore but for its impressive architecture – houses and streets which represent the heritage of the Byzantine and Slavic culture which merged and made it the capital of Slavic Christianity gaining the designation of the Jerusalem on the Balkans. 

Did You Know?

  • There is a legend that there are 365 churches in the Ohrid region.

Five Famous People:

  • Arabacı Ali Pasha (1620-1693) – Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire
  • Grigor Parlichev (1830-1893) – Macedonian educator, writer, and translator 
  • Atina Bojadžieva (1944-2010) – marathon swimmer, first Yugoslav and Macedonian woman to swim across the English Channel
  • Kaliopi Bukle (1966- ) – singer and songwriter representing Macedonia at the 2012 Eurovision Song Contest 
  • Cedi Osman (1995- )NBA basketball player

Nearest Airports:



Ohrid Daily Tours

Recommended Places to Stay in:

Top: Villa Mesokastro

Booking and Airbnb list:

The Ancient City Of Stobi

stobi reviewed

This used to be a very prosperous city in ancient Macedonia. It is located between the cities of Prilep and Veles, in central Macedonia. Although it lived through its renaissance during the Roman periods, it is agreed by many historians that it began developing even earlier. It used to be a part of the Persian Empire.

During the reign of the emperor Vespasian, Stobi became a part of the Roman Empire in 69 AD. The rapid development of this location happened until the 6th century and its sudden decline. It is open for tourists who can visit its residential areas, columns, baths, theater, visual artistic artifacts, and early Christian sacral location.

Did You Know? 

  • The Palace of Theodosius was the place where emperors resided when they traveled to the city.
  • There is an ancient synagogue at the site.

Nearest Airports: 


Tour Organizers:

Plus Travel Skopje

Recommended Places To Stay In:

Top: Gardenia Hotel & Spa

Booking And Airbnb Lists:

Famous Historical Sites In Albania

Butrint National Park

butrint on direktorium

This national park is a jewel located in the south of Saranda and stretching through 29km of area. You can find relics from different periods of history, some of which date back to prehistoric times. It is a place where elements from many different cultures have mixed up, among which you can find elements with Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and Venetian influence.

Among the remarkable monuments is the Greek amphitheater, Roman baptistery, and the early-Christian Basilica. Many of these buildings are in a decent shape which gives you a sense of traveling through time. Like many Balkan sites, this one is of huge cultural importance, while the view over the fantastic natural beauty of the Butrint Lake makes it even more charming.

Did You Know?

  • The park contains a diverse assemblage of fauna with over 400 species distributed across the park’s habitats and ecosystems.

Nearest Airports:


Tour Organizers:


Recommended Places To Stay In:

Top: Bougainville Bay Hotel

Booking And Airbnb lists:


apolonia on direktorium

This is an ancient Greek coastal colony and church center in the Illyria province, placed on the right bank of Vjosa (ancient name: Aous) river. Today it is a part of the Fier countryside, in the vicinity of the Pojani (Polina) village, of contemporary Albania. Its distance from the city of Fier is approximately 13 miles.

The archeological park has a fascinating landscape, which is very well preserved, and represents a wonderful mix of natural beauty and ancient heritage, producing a relaxed and meditative environment. It was founded almost simultaneously with Epidamnus – Dyrrhachium which made it one of the most important cities on the Adriatic coastline and became one of the most famous among thirty antique cities bearing the name Apollonia.

It was a part of the territory of the political alliance of Taulantians and was renowned as Apollonia of Illyria. Some traditional narratives tell us it was founded by Greek colonists from Corfu and Corinth in the 6th century BC. Their leader Gylax named the city Gylakeia after himself. Its name was changed following its quick rise to prominence to Apollonia, according to the venerated god Apollo.

It resides on an elevated terrain thus expanding towards the fertile lands of Musacchia, the Adriatic Sea, and the Mallakastra Hills. Its ruins were discovered by archeologists at the beginning of the 19th century. 

Did You Know?

  • The city used to be on the coast before the earthquake in the 3rd century which made it landlocked and thus began the decline of the city.

Nearest Airports:


Tour Organizers:

Albanian Eagle Tours

Recommended Places To Stay In:

Top: Albes Hotel

Booking.com And Airbnb.com Lists:

Krujë Castle

Kruje on direktorium

This historical relic was built between the 5th and the 6th century and is located above the homonymous city. During the Ottoman invasion of Albania, it was the headquarters of Gjergj Kastrioti Skenderbeu, who was an Albanian king and leader of the resistance. During his early life, Gjergj was sent by his father to be a hostage on the Ottoman court, and he became the leader of a rebellion against the Ottoman Empire following his return to Albania.

At the beginning of 1443, this elliptical castle was defended by a small army of three thousand men who managed to fight off a massive Turkish siege. This represented a huge frustration for the Ottoman Army which was successful in occupying many bigger cities but failed at Kruje.

Did You Know?

  • The castle was besieged several times until it was finally occupied by the Ottomans in 1478, 10 years following the death of Skenderbeg

Nearest Airports:


Tour Organizers:

Albania DMC

Recommended Places To Stay In: 

Top: Rooms Emiliano

Booking and Airbnb lists:

Berat Castle


This unique piece of military architecture stands in the city of Berat, Albania, above the banks of the Osum River. This very old construction was built at least 2,500 years ago and was mentioned in the Roman records as it was conquered in 200 B.C.

Many centuries later it got solid reconstruction, as its exterior was continuously boosted by the Byzantine Empire during the 5th, 6th and 13th centuries. Being proclaimed in 2005 as a UNESCO World Heritage Site works on the restoration of the castle are initiated. This came as a gift for the residents of the castle who didn’t get much attention from the government as the city below. Many historical elements are present in its structure.

There is the easily identifiable “Red Mosque” with its lonely minaret (access to the top through a staircase), around twenty churches, as well as a museum around one of the largest Orthodox churches featuring numerous 16th-century paintings made by Master Onufri, as well as a decorated interior.

During the reign of the Communist leader Enver Hoxha, many churches in the country were destroyed following the proclamation of Albania as an “atheist state”. Here we may see different architectural elements such as courtyards and a significant cistern at the center. 

Did You Know?

  • Inside the fortress, there are stone-built residential houses which is probably the last case in castle-dominated Europe.

Nearest Airports: 


Tour Organizers:

Berati Tours

Recommended Places To Stay In:

Top: Hotel Rezidenca Desaret

Booking and Airbnb list:

Famous Historical Sites In Bosnia and Herzegovina

Stari Most – Old Bridge 

stari most on direktorium

Located in the deep valley of the Neretva River, the historic town of Mostar developed in the 15th and 16th centuries as a town positioned on the Ottoman frontier, as later in the 19th and 20th century it gained prominence following the Austro-Hungarian rule. This beautiful city close to the Adriatic Sea has been renowned for its Ottoman architecture, and the magnificent Stari Most.

Most of the historic town and the Old Bridge designed by Mimar Hayruddin were destroyed during the war in the 1990s. The bridge and many historical sites in the core of the city were rebuilt in 2004 with the contribution of an international scientific committee headed by UNESCO.

Did You Know?

  • The Old Bridge was constructed by the orders of Suleiman The Magnificent (1494 – 1566).
  • Jumping from the Old Bridge is one of the most attractive activities in the city.

5 Famous People

  • Aleksa Šantić (1868-1924) – writer and poet
  • Džemal Bijedić (1917-1977) – politician
  • Himzo Polovina (1927-1986) – folk singer
  • Predrag Matvejević (1932-2017) – philosopher
  • Bojan Bogdanović (1989- ) – NBA basketball player

Nearest Airports:


Tour Organizers:


Recommended Places To Stay In:

Top: Hotel Eden

Booking and Airbnb Lists:


BLAGAJ on direktorium

This medieval city with a fortress has one of the most unique systems of underground karst river springs that flow out of a 200m wall and transform into the Buna River. This impressed the Ottoman authorities which ordered the construction of a tekke on this site.

This Dervish monastery which practices cults since the 16th century remains one of the most mystical locations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Overlooking the spring of the Buna (Latin: Bona (good)) River, it is open to visitors throughout the whole year serving cold beverages, tea, and Turkish coffee. The locality is popular for its natural beauty and a large number of unique species of animals and plants.

Evergreen plants and deciduous species of thickets are present at lower altitudes, while higher locations feature sparse forest. This fertile and cultivable terrain is typical agricultural soil present in the Mediterranean region.

Did You Know?

  • Its fortress dates from classical antiquity and was built by the Illyrians
  • This old city also features a Catholic and an Orthodox Church

Nearest Airports:


Tour Organizer:

Bosnian Tour Operator

Recommended Places To Stay In:

Top: Hotel Ada Blagaj

Booking and Airbnb Links:

Sarajevo War Tunnel


A frightening war struck Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 90s and Sarajevo was one of the most heavily damaged cities in the whole country. It was virtually cut-off from the rest of the free-territory during its siege so the authorities decided to dig a tunnel under its airport to get supplies.

This pass connected the capital to the free territory because the above ground passage was dangerous due to sniper fire so the UN Protection Forces did not encourage such steps. Its construction enabled the connection of the district of Dobrinja and the suburb of Butmir, as both of them were under the control of the Bosnian Army.

The initials of the two suburbs comprised the unofficial name of the construction – “D-B Tunnel”. After the war, a museum was built featuring photos, interesting objects, newspaper headlines, and a projection of a documentary movie about the tunnel itself. Visitors can get information regarding the object from the tour guides.

The exit of the tunnel was at the Kolar family house on the Butmir side, whose adult male members were members of the Bosnian Army so the museum is located inside of it.

Did You Know?

  • Sarajevo was the host of the XIV Winter Olympic Games in 1984.
  • The Siege of Sarajevo began in April 1992 and ended in February 1996, and lasted exactly 1,435 days. It took the lives of approximately 14 thousand soldiers and civilians.

Five Famous Citizens:

  • Vladimir Prelog (1906 – 1998) – Nobel Prize winning chemist 
  • Emerik Blum (1911 – 1984) – Holocaust survivor, businessman and one of the main organizers of the XIV Winter Olympic Games in 1984
  • Bekim Fehmiu (1936 – 2010) – first Eastern European actor in Hollywood
  • Goran Bregović (1953 – ) – worldwide famous musician and composer
  • Jasmila Žbanić (1974 – ) – movie director & screenwriter

Nearest Airport:


Tour Organizers:

Sarajevo Funky Tours

Recommended Places To Stay In:

Top: Hotel President Sarajevo

Booking and Airbnb List:

Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque

gazi husrev-beg on direktorium

One of the most famous mosques in Sarajevo and Bosnia and Herzegovina is the Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque (Bosnian: Gazi Husrev-begova Džamija, Turkish: Gazi Hüsrev Bey Camii). Being one of the finest examples of Ottoman architecture, it surely is the most important Islamic sacral object in the whole country.

Its location is in the Baščaršija quarter in the Stari Grad municipality. It is one of the most popular worship locations in this multi-religious town. It was constructed by the famous Ottoman architect Adzem Esir Ali “Alaüddin” who is also the constructor of the Yavuz Selim Mosque in Istanbul which is dedicated to the Sultan Selim I.

The construction of the object in 1531 was financed by Gazi Husrev-beg who was the governor of the Sanjak of Bosnia and descendant of Sultan Beyazid II. He is considered to be the greatest patron of Sarajevo since he financed a large portion of the city during his reign.

Did You Know?

  • The city of Sarajevo was founded during the Ottoman rule by the military leader Isa-beg Ishaković in 1461.

Nearest Airport:


Tour Organizers:

Travel Plus

Recommended Places To Stay In:

Top: Hotel Europe

Booking and Airbnb Lists:

Famous Historical Sites In Bulgaria

Rila Monastery 

rila monastery on direktorium

This place represents one of the most magnificent, tranquil, and authentic locations to visit in Bulgaria. It is a great tourist destination which has many visitors from every part of the world during the summertime.

Its founder is the hermit St. Ivan of the Rila who lived in the 10th century. He lived an ascetic life without any material possessions in a cave located in the vicinity of today’s monastery. The monastery compound was completed by his adherents following his death.

Did You Know?

  • The monastery is located at an elevation of 1,147 meters above sea level.
  • 900 thousand visitors paid a visit to the Monastery in 2008 only.

Nearest Airports:


Tour Organizers:


Recommended Places To Stay In:

Top: Villa Park Guest Appartements

Booking and Airbnb list:

St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral


This monumental masterpiece was completed in 1912 in memory of the 200 thousand Russian, Ukrainian, Belorussian, and Bulgarian soldiers, who gave their lives to liberate Bulgaria in the Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878). Located near the Parliament building in Sofia, it is mentioned to be one of the biggest Eastern Orthodox sacral objects in the world.

It has a gold-plated dome with a height of 45 meters, while the bell tower reaches even 50 meters. The object is a cross-domed basilica with a huge central dome. Its temple has 12 bells weighing more than 23 tons, while their lightest is more around 10 kilograms heavy.

It also features Italian marble, Brazillian onyx, alabaster, and other luxurious materials in various colors in its interior. The Lord’s Prayer is inscribed around the central dome with thin gold letters.

Did You Know? 

  • The relics of the Russian Prince Alexander Nevsky (1221-1263) are displayed on the left of the altar.

Five Famous Citizens:

  • Aurelian (215-275) – Roman Emperor from 270 until 275
  • Assen “Jerry” Jordanoff (1896-1967) – Bulgarian inventor, engineer, and aviator
  • Tzvetan Todorov (1939-2017) – historian, philosopher, sociologist, and essayist.
  • Kristalina Georgieva (1953- ) – chairwoman and managing director of the IMF
  • Antoaneta Stefanova (1979- ) – chess grandmaster.

Nearest Airports:


Tour Organizers:

Sofia Guide

Recommended Places To Stay In:

Top: Best Western Lozenetz Hotel

Booking and Airbnb Lists:

Plovdiv Roman Theatre

PLOVDIV roman theater on direktorium

In the saddle between the Dzambaz and Taksim Tepe hills in the Old Town, stands the Antique Theater in Plovdiv – the second biggest city in Bulgaria. The Roman Emperor Trajan (98 – 117 AD) constructed it at the beginning of the 2nd century AD. It stands out as one of the best-preserved antique theaters all over the world. In Issue 6 of the State Gazette of 1995, this location was declared as an archaeological monument.

Its discovery was made during excavations conducted by the Archaeological Museum of Plovdiv between 1968 and 1979. The visible part of the building (Theatron) is symmetrically built and separated in two marble-made ranges, both consisting of 14 rows of seats. Its seats are organized in sectors with staircases descending to the stage.

A wide horizontal path (Greek: diazoma) divides the two ranges. Among other things, it includes a scene (two-story construction which is a dressing-hall for actors) featuring side wings rising laterally from the stage. The archaeologists managed to find inscriptions and exquisite statues included in the building architecture. 5 to 7 thousand attendants could visit the antique theater.

Did You Know?

  • The theater was damaged in Late Antiquity, only to be excavated following a landslide in the 1960s which uncovered some of its remains.

Five Famous Citizens:

  • Hermes of Philippopolis – one of the Seventy Disciples and bishop of Philippopolis (Plovdiv)
  • Hafız Ahmed Pasha (1564 – 1632) – Ottoman Grand Vizier
  • Armand Tokatyan (1894 -1960) – famous operatic tenor
  • Solomon Passy (1956 – ) – scientist, politician, and innovator,
  • Jeanette Spassova (1962 – ) – actress

Nearest Airports:


Tour Organizers:

Old Plovdiv

Recommended Places to Stay In:

Top: Park & Spa Hotel Markovo

Booking and Airbnb Lists:

Belogradchik Fortress


This historical castle, which is locally known as Kaleto (Turkish word for “fortress”), is a very old architectural deed placed on the northern foot of the Balkan Mountains, in the vicinity of the Bulgarian town of Belogradchik located in the northwest of the country becoming the primary cultural and tourist attraction of the area. It draws the main tourist flow in the region, together with the Belogradchik Rocks.

It represents one of the best-preserved historical monuments in Bulgaria which makes it a location of national significance.

Did You Know?

  • Its last use as a military building was during the Serbo-Bulgarian War in 1885.

Nearest Airports:


Tour Organizers:

Lockers Sofia

Recommended Places to Stay In:

Top: Apartment Medina

Booking and Airbnb lists:

Thracian Tomb Of Sveshtari

Thracian Tomb Of Sveshtari on direktorium

This ancient necropolis was discovered in 1982 in the vicinity of the Sveshtari village, in the Razgrad Province. It is estimated to be built in the 3rd century BC and represents a typical example of Thracian cult buildings.

It is designed in a unique architectural scheme, with colored human-plant caryatids and beautiful murals. It is probably the grave of Dromichaetes, who ruled over the Thracian Gets on both sides of the Danube, and his wife who was the daughter of King Lysimachus, one of the generals of Alexander the Great.

Ancient geographers claimed that the Gets were maintaining contact with Hellenistic and Hyperborean worlds. 

Did You Know?

  • A significant treasure, including a golden ring, 44 female figure depictions, and 100 golden buttons from the 4th century BC, were found in 150 tombs near the village.

Nearest Airports:


Tour Organizers:

Private Guide Bulgaria

Recommended Places to Stay In:

Top: Hotel Cartoon Razgrad

Booking and Airbnb List:

Famous Historical Sites In Croatia

Dubrovnik Old Town

dubrovnik on direktorium

Positioned right between a beautiful but rugged mountain and the magnificent Adriatic Sea, Dubrovnik is always featured among the most inspiring and well-preserved wonders of medieval architecture. Since it was modeled like the merchant city-state of Venice, it rivaled it and managed to develop a formidable trade network that led to its rise. Huge stone walls were built around the city to offer protection from attacks by pirates and mighty Empires.

It thrived between the 11th and 17th centuries as a city of fine architecture, arts, and literature, along with being the first state in the world to ban the slave trade in 1416. The medieval town now represents the historic center of the city which bears the designation of the “Pearl of the Adriatic” surrounded by wonderful islands.

Its architectural style is a mixture of Renaissance, Baroque, and Romanticism in which many churches, monasteries, and palaces are built. Although many centuries have passed, it still preserves its fountains and facades, marble-paved squares, and steep cobbled streets and houses.

Did You Know

  • The Republic of Dubrovnik existed until 1808 when it was annexed by Napoleon’s France.

Five Famous Citizens

  • Marin Držić (1508-1567) – Renaissance playwright and prose writer
  • Ruđer Bošković (1711-1787) – scientist, diplomat, and poet
  • Đelo Jusić (1939 – 2019) – composer, arranger, conductor, and guitarist
  • Ottavio Missoni (1921 – 2013) – fashion designer
  • Tereza Kesovija (1938 – ) – singer

Nearest Airports:


Tour Organizers:

Dubrovnik Island Tours

Recommended Places to Stay In:

Top: Hotel Dubrovnik Palace

Booking and Airbnb List:

Palazzo Di Diocleziano

Palazzo Di Diocleziano on direktorium

The Palazzo di Diocleziano, a significant example of Roman architecture and a UNESCO protected World Heritage Site is located in the heart of Split. The Roman Emperor Diocletian financed the building of this palace between 295 and 305 in his birthplace where he planned to spend his retirement.

The entrance to the building is through the Silver Gate which leads to the central open-air area called the Peristyle. The Diocletian’s Mausoleum, later transformed into the medieval church of St. Dominic, is located opposite to the gate. The excavated remnants of the palace’s basement are simply admirable.

Two granite sphinxes brought from Egypt are also present here – one of them sits headless before Jupiter’s temple, while the other one is on the Peristyle.

Did You Know?

  • Split is the second biggest city in Croatia, following its capital Zagreb

Five Famous Sitizens

  • Marko Marulić (1450 – 1524) – poet and humanist, coined the term “psychology”
  • Jakov Gotovac (1895 – 1982) – composer and conductor of classical music
  • Xenia Valderi (1926 – ) – actress
  • Oliver Dragojević (1947 – 2018) – singer and songwriter
  • Boris Dežulović (1964 – ) – journalist, writer, and columnist 

Nearest Airports:


Tour Organizers:

Split Excursions

Recommended Places To Stay In:

Top: Radisson Blu Resort & Spa

Booking And Airbnb Lists:

Pula Arena

pula arena on direktorium

Among the dramatic Roman heritage on the Croatian coastline, we must also mention the Pula Arena or the Pula Amphitheatre. Emperor Vespasian, who initiated the construction of the Colosseum in Rome, built it in the first century AD.

The Pula Arena was a host to gladiatorial battles under the Romans as well as tournaments of knights in the Middle Ages. Around 20 thousand people could attend these spectacular happenings. These days, it can host around 5 thousand people as more sophisticated events like opera shows and film festivals are held, among them the Pula Film Festival.

Did You Know?

  • In 1709, stones were taken from the Pula arena for the belfry foundations at Pula Cathedral.

Five Famous Citizens:

  • Antonio Smareglia (1854 – ) – opera composer 
  • Herman Potočnik (1892 – 1929) – rocket engineer
  • Laura Antonelli (1941 – 2015) – movie actress
  • Lidia Bastianich (1947 – ) – celebrity chef, television host, author, and restaurateur
  • Stjepan Hauser (1986 – ) – cellist, member of 2Cellos

Nearest Airports:


Tour Organizers:

Pula Walking Food Tour

Recommended Places To Stay In:

Top: Arena One 99 Glamping

Booking and Airbnb Lists:

Lokrum Monastery

This historical location is placed on a small island and a national reservation, located close to the beautiful medieval city of Dubrovnik, and can be easily spotted from the Old Town Walls or the Mount Srd.

When you visit the city of Dubrovnik, a wonderful way to spend some quality time would be a little trip to Lokrum.

It is located within a castle and was originally built in 1023, while some of its parts date to the 15th and 16th centuries because it was badly damaged after the 1667 Dubrovnik earthquake.

The caste – Fort Royal – was constructed by the orders of Napoleon in 1806 and became a possession of Maximillian I following the Austro-Hungarian conquest of Southern Dalmatia.

Did You Know?

  • There is a legend that the English king Richard The Lionheart (1157 – 1199) disembarked on the island during his return from the Third Crusade.

Nearest Airports


Tour Organizers

Dubrovnik Tour

Recommended Places To Stay In

Top: Leonarda Baroque House

Booking and Airbnb List:

Famous Historical Sites In Montenegro

Mausoleum Of Petar II Petrović – Njegoš 

Njegosh mausoleum on direktorium

The newly built mausoleum of the Montenegrin national hero and spiritual leader Petar II Petrović Njegoš is located on one of the peaks of Mount Lovćen. This modern construction can be reached after driving a long road to the foot of the hill, as it takes 461 steps to reach the Mausoleum.

The memorial building contains a large granite statue of Njegoš, as well as a dark chamber with his tomb, which has a 360-degree panoramic view. Half of this small country can be seen from the summit, offering a view stretching from the Bay of Kotor to the Scutari Lake and Podgorica on the third side. 

Even Albania and Croatia are visible on a clear day. Despite the protests caused by the destruction of the church, it is difficult to claim that the Mausoleum is not a magnificent monument for honoring this national hero.

Did You Know?

  • Petar II Petrović Njegoš (1813 – 1851) – was prince-bishop of Montenegro, a poet, and philosopher whose works became very influential in Serbian and Montenegrin literature.

Nearest Airport


Tour Organizers

360 Monte

Recommended Places To Stay

Top: Hotel Ivanov Konak

Booking and Airbnb List:

Church Of Our Lady Of The Rocks

Church Of Our Lady Of The Rocks on Direktorium

Standing in the brilliant and fair Adriatic Sea across the old town of Perast on the coastline of the Bay of Kotor, this artificial island was home to many myths and legends. There is one regarding certain sailors from Perast who found an icon of Virgin Mary on a rock in the sea, and they took that as a message to start laying rocks on that very location after every return from a voyage, in order to build a church on their foundation.

The small island called Gospa od Škrpjela was created by sinking old ships and putting small stones over some rocks in the sea. Then came the construction of the church in the mid-15th century, which was subsequently reconstructed and expanded while the island was made larger by strengthening its construction to obtain a stronger and larger base.

A large part of today’s church was built following the earthquake of 1667 which destroyed the original sacral building, as the bell tower and a domed presbytery became a part of the construction in 1725.

Did You Know?

  • The Bay of Kotor was under Venetian rule (1420 – 1797) and Habsburg i.e. Austro-Hungarian rule (1797 – 1918) with a brief period of French and Montenegrin rule from 1805 to 1815 so many Catholic churches and monasteries are located within it.

Nearest Airports

Tivat Airport

Tour Organizers

Montenegro Pulse

Recommended Places To Stay

Top: Apartments Žmukić

Booking and Airbnb List:


PERAST on direktorium

In the Bay of Kotor, located 15 minutes away from the Old Town there is a magical small city of Perast. Its older part is so magnificent, that it is not possible to include enough photos to describe how wonderful this place is.

This place is so enchanting, that you could easily base a fairy tale or an epic poem to take place here in its entirety. If you have ever seen a postcard from Montenegro, the chances are big that they are from Perast. This breathtaking location is popular for its iconic silhouette of Venetian Gothic towers.

Its historic stone building as well as its seaside promenade featuring the Lady of the Rocks islet is included in so many pictures promoting Montenegro and is in the UNESCO list of global heritage.

Did You Know?

  • There is another islet in the vicinity of Perast on which the Sveti Đurađ/Juraj (St. George) cathedral is located.

Five Famous Persons From The Bay of Kotor

  • Osanna of Cattaro (1493 – 1565) – visionary and anchoress 
  • Giovanni Bona De Boliris (1520 – 1572) – humanist poet and writer
  • Matija Zmajević (1680 – 1735) – admiral and shipbuilder
  • Ivan Visin (1806 – 1868) – navy captain and explorer
  • Rambo Amadeus (1963 – ) – alternative singer and songwriter

Nearest Airports


Tour Organizers

Miro And Sons

Recommended Places To Stay

Top: Iberostar Heritage Grand Perast

Booking and Airbnb List:

The Budva Citadel

budva citadel on direktorium

Located on the extreme south of the city of Budva, this Citadel built in an impressive style stands on the edge of a cliff, dominating over the shining sands and brilliant blue waters of the Adriatic Sea.

The Citadel was primarily built in the Antiquity, under the Roman rule which makes Budva one of the oldest settlements on the Balkan Peninsula. The rustic stone building of the main structure is attached to the peripheral parts of the city’s fortification with typical Roman precision and attention to detail, by a special system of walls primarily designed to be an observation post for guardian soldiers.

Budva became a part of the Venetian Republic in 1455, so the stronghold was readapted with modern architectural design, so its sophisticated stone structure is a bright example of Venetian military architecture even in modern times. During the Austro-Hungarian domination in these lands, the city switched hands many times and was updated and rebuilt following contemporary technology.

The sightseeing through the citadel would be an effective kaleidoscopic view of the past of this country and gives a remarkable tone to the mixture of influences that make up modern Montenegro.

Did You Know?

  • The Citadel was built on an island near the coast but was subsequently merged with the shore with an isthmus.

Nearest Airports

Tivat Airport

Tour Organizer

Montenegro Hostel

Recommended Places To Stay

Top: Splendid Conference & Spa Resort

Booking and Airbnb List:

Famous Historical Sites In Romania

Bran Castle 

bran castle on direktorium

This picturesque piece of architecture dramatically stands on a Transylvanian hill, with orange tiles and cupolas dominating above an apex of trees in the Carpathian Mountains in Romania. Sources may differ, as according to one of them, Vlad Tepes (Vlad The Impaler or Dracula) spent some nights in this castle as a prisoner, or this castle was a subject of his attack. 

He was used as an inspiration for the novel of the Irishman Bram Stoker who created a character of a toothy vampire based on the Wallachian prince from the 15th century who earned his nickname due to his fondness to skewer enemies on stakes as a public warning. In modern times, visitors from all over the globe come to Transylvania to experience an adventure from the novel or the numerous movies inspired by it.

Did You Know?

  • The Teutonic Order built the first fortification on this point in 1212 and called it Dietrichstein. It was raided and destroyed by the Mongols in 1242.

Nearest Airport


Tour Organizers

Authentic Romania

Recommended Places To Stay In

Top: Hotel Wolf 2

Booking and Airbnb Lists:


histria on direktorium

This fortress which is the oldest city on Romanian territory was founded as a Greek colony. It is estimated to be founded 7 thousand years B.C. (657 according to Eusebius) by colonists from Milet.

The citadel is located in the Istria village, 65 kilometers away from Constanta. Considered to be one of the oldest urban settlements in the country, it was submitted to the European Heritage List on February 13, 2007. Starting with the ancient Greek period up to the Byzantine era, Histria had a continuous development for 1300 years.

During the Avar-Slavic invasion at the end of the 6th and throughout the 7th century A.D., the fortress was destroyed and its inhabitants abandoned the city. The ruins of this remarkable remnant of the ancient history of the Balkans remained hidden until an expedition led by French archaeologist Ernest Desjardins explored it for the first time and the Roman archaeologist Vasile Pârvan uncovered it in 1914.

Did You Know?

  • Histria is among the few cities in Ancient Greece which had a democratic system of governance.

Nearest Airports


Tour Organizers

Authentic Romania

Recommended Places To Stay

Top: Casa Crinei

Booking and Airbnb Lists:

Prejmer Fortified Church

prejmer church on direktoriumje

This example of medieval architecture is a fortified Lutheran church located in Prejmer (German: Tartlau), Braşov County, in the popular region of Transylvania in the Burzenland ethnographic area.

This wonderful site was built by the German Teutonic Knights, but it was later taken over by the community of Transylvanian Saxons. Although it was built as a Roman Catholic Church, following the Reformation it became a Lutheran object. The church together with the surrounding village makes a formation of villages with fortified churches which became a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Did You Know?

  • Transylvanian Saxons are people of German ethnicity who settled in Romania in waves starting from the 12th century up to modern days.

Nearest Airports


Tour Organizers

Romania Tourism

Recommended Places To Stay

Top: Elena

Booking and Airbnb Lists:

Peleș Castle

peles castle on direktorium

Following the Bran Castle which is popular for Count Dracula, the Peleș castle is among the most famous not because of a person but of something else. If the first one is renown for Vlad The Impaler, Peleș is popular because of the fact that it served as the residence of the Romanian royalty, as its luxurious rooms were used as décor in American movies from time to time.

The modern kings of Romania used this residence as a summertime destination. This magnificent location was designed according to the wishes of the Romanian king Carol I, as its plan was done by architects Karel Liman and Johannes Schultz as the decoration was made by August Bembe from Meinz, J.D. Heymann from Hamburg and Bernhard Ludwig from Vienna, so it is reminiscent of German castles.

The unique design of the Peleș castle represents one of the most important examples of 19th-century European architecture. The story of this location began with the visit by Carol I to the town of Sinaia. The future head of Romanian royalty was left breathless by the beauty of this mountainous place. Sinaia used to be a small village, named Podul Neagului at the time.

After marking a spot later known as Piatra Arsa, Carol decided that a castle should be built on it. After purchasing the land in 1872, construction was initiated in the following year. This project was not that easy to accomplish since workers had to fight with elements of nature, such as landslides, underground springs, and rivers.

Did You Know?

  • Up to 1866, when he accepted the crown of Romania, Carol I (1839 – 1914) was a Prussian officer.

Nearest Airport


Tour Organizers

Romania Tours

Recommended Places To Stay:

Top: Vila Acvila

Booking and Airbnb List:

Famous Historic Sites In Serbia

Petrovaradin Fortress 

petrovaradin fortress on direktorium

The Habsburg monarchy needed an effective stronghold for waging long battles with the Ottoman Empire, thus the birth of the Petrovaradin Fortress.

A legend says that its name comes from the words “petra” – Latin for rocks, “var” – Hungarian for a city, and “din” which is Turkish for faith. If we interpret the meaning in a creative manner it may mean “city on the rocks strong as faith”.

This medieval building, built between the year of 1692 and 1780, covers 112 hectares of territory. Its famous Belgrade gates originate from 1753 and have a classical design. They accept visitors from Novi Sad coming via the Varadin Bridge.

Did You Know?

  • EXIT festival is an annual summer music festival that has been held at the fortress since its first display in 2001.

Five Famous Citizens

  • Josip Jelačić (1801 – 1859) – Croatian lieutenant and marshall, Ban of Croatia
  • Jovan Jovanović Zmaj (1833 – 1904) – renown poet
  • Adolf Hempt (1874 – 1943) – biologist and founder of the Pasteur Institute in Novi Sad
  • Đorđe Balašević (1953 – ) – singer and songwriter
  • Monica Seles (1973 – ) – a former world number 1 tennis player

Nearest Airport


Tour Organizer

Serbian Adventures

Recommended Places To Stay

Top: Pergola House

Airbnb and Booking List:

The Belgrade Fortress

Founded in the 2nd century, its military outposts went through a series of reconstructions until the 18th century. Rising from the ashes many times after destruction, this symbol of the city kept developing through centuries. The history of the Belgrade fortress tells us a lot about the history of the city and is a way to understand the lifestyle of modern Belgrade.

Many armies, including the Romans, Serbs, Turks, and Austro-Hungarians left historical layers under the surface of this fort. The first fortification from the 2nd century is a deed of the Romans. It later became the basis of the IV Flavia Roman legion protecting this territory.

Throughout history, it suffered devastation by Goths, Huns, Avars, and Slavs. Many historical landmarks such as the Damad Ali Pasha Turbe, the Ružica Church, and the Victor monument are in the fortress.

Did You Know?

  • The fortress provides a view over the mouth of Sava into the Danube River, as well as the Great War Island. 

Famous Citizens

  • Branislav Nušić (1864 – 1938) – novelist, poet, short story writer, and literary historian
  • Dušan Makavejev (1932 – 2019) – film director and screenwriter
  • Ljiljana Bakić (1939 – ) – architect, author and essayist
  • Enki Bilal (1951 – ) – comic book writer, creator and film director
  • Novak Đoković (1987 – ) – currently the best tennis player in the world

Nearest Airport


Tour Organizers

Serbia Tour Operator

Recommended Places To Stay

Top: Adorable Old Town

Airbnb and Booking Lists:


This city along the Danube River stands some 28 miles away from Belgrade, in eastern Serbia. Romans found the city as Vinceia. The modern city dates from the Middle Ages when it was the capital of the Serbian Despotate. The fortress stands on the mouth of the Jezava River into the Danube.

Despot Đurađ Branković built the city in the 1420s. In 1459 it fell to the Ottomans which marked an end of the Serbian medieval state. Under the Ottomans, it became a trading center divided into a Small Town and a Big Town. The latter is the Archbishop’s seat surrounded by nineteen towers. The Small Town has six towers. 

Did You Know?

  • It is one of the largest medieval fortifications in Europe. 

Nearest Airports


Tour Organizers

Feel Serbia

Recommended Places To Stay

Top: Etno Apartments Dunav

Booking and Airbnb

Golubac Castle

golubac castle on direktorium

This medieval fortress bore different names throughout its rich history. Its other names were Galambas, Galambocz, Colombazo, Columbaz, Columbaria, Tauersburg, Tawbenstein, Peristerin, or Güvercinlik. All these names have the golub (dove) morpheme in common. Among the stories related to the origin of the name of this brilliant medieval city-fortress is the legend of a girl named Golubana.

An Ottoman general fell in love with this girl who refused to become a part of his harem. As a punishment, he tied her up to a rock where she died scavenged by birds. The city was allegedly named Golubac in her memory.

According to another legend, a Byzantine empress named Helen remained captive in the main tower. During her confinement, she kept doves as pets who helped her communicate with the outside world. Historiography mentions it for the first time in 1335 as a fortress under the control of the Hungarian king Ludwig the First.

The fortress became a part of Prince Lazar’s state while the surrounding villages were the property of monasteries. The city fell to the Hungarian king Sigismund I, as the Serbian army left it weakened after the Kosovo Battle. The Serbian captain of the fortress sold it to the Turks for twelve thousand golds. Knez Mihailo Obrenović took the city back in 1867.

Did You Know?

  • The fortress is known for repelling 120 conquering sieges throughout history.
  • Golubac is a well-known sailing site. It is the seat of the Sailing Association of Serbia, which the Serbian National Team uses for ground preparations before major events.

Nearest Airport


Tour Organizers

Golubac Iz Brodića

Recommended Places To Stay

Top: Apartman Dunavski Biser

Airbnb and Booking Lists:

Famous Historical Sites In Slovenia


It is a city with irresistible charm and long history extending to 2000BC. Back then, people lived in pile dwellings in the Ljubljana Marshes. The oldest architecture present in the town dates from the Roman period. Yet, the city center inherited its looks from the medieval period and preserved it until today.

One part of it didn’t survive the 1511 earthquake to be rebuilt in Venetian influenced Baroque style. Another earthquake followed in 1895. This time authorities reconstructed the city in the Vienna Secession manner. When we talk about buildings from the interwar period, Jože Plečnik’s influence is more than visible.

Did You Know?

  • Metelkova Street is a famous autonomous social and cultural centre in the city centre of Ljubljana.

Five Famous Citizens

  • Sigmund Zois (1747 – 1819) – nobleman, natural scientist and patron of the arts
  • Edvard Kardelj (1910 – 1999) – politician and economist
  • Slavoj Žižek (1949 – ) – philosopher and researcher
  • Alenka Župančič (1966 – ) – philosopher and psychoanalyst
  • Luka Dončić (1999 – ) – NBA basketball player

Nearest Airport


Tour Organizer

Visit Ljubljana

Recommended Places To Stay

Top: City Hotel Ljubljana

Airbnb and Booking List:

Predjama Castle

It’s a magnificent Renaissance-style castle. It existed since the medieval period as a Gothic castle. It stands 11 kilometers away from the city of Postojna. Among its unique features is its location inside a cave. The castle was the home of Erasmus of Lueg, a knight, popularly-known as the local Robin Hood.

The audio tours available online tell us about the exciting life of Erasmus and the history of this unique piece of architecture. The real tours are extending through a secret tunnel which played the role of a supply route crucial during sieges. 

Did You Know?

  • Gaspar Ravbar of Trieste tried to conduct a siege against Erasmus and starve him to death. The latter survived by utilizing the underground tunnels to his castle.

Nearest Airports


Tour Organizers

Slovenia Tours

Recommended Places To Stay

Top: Guesthouse Požar

Airbnb and Booking List:

Postojna Cave

It is the most visited cave in Europe known for the endemic species of olm, which is an aquatic salamander. Its location is very close to the Predjama Castle making both locations visitable in a single tour. The cave also has its railway which is operative for 140 years now. It is the only cave that has its own railway system. This unique destination has an underground web of karst passages, arcades, and natural artifacts.

The hour-and-a-half-long guided tour will teach you about the most important features of such terrains. The largest stalagmite is 16 meters high and has the name Skyscraper. There is also the symbol of Postojna Cave – the crystal white Brilliant. The oldest underground post office in the world is also located here. Let’s not forget the most important feature of the cave – the so-called human fish.

Did You Know?

  • The cave is home to the endemic olm, which is the largest troglodytic amphibian in the world, which is a unique cave-dwelling chordate species.

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Postojna Cave Tours

Recommended Places To Stay

Top: Hotel Kras

Airbnb and Booking Lists:

Triglav National Park

triglav on direktorium

This is the only national park located on the territory of Slovenia. In its modern shape, it dates from 1981 and takes place in the northwest of the country, occupying the southeastern part of the Alps. In the middle of the national park stands the highest peak of the Julian Alps – Mount Triglav (2, 864 meters).

The Slovenian national emblem contains a stylized depiction of this peak. Two large river systems supplied with water from its spread valleys springing from the Julian Alps. These are the Soča and the Sava rivers, as both belong to the Adriatic and the Black Sea basins.

Did You Know?

  • Triglav was also the highest peak in Yugoslavia before Slovenia’s independence in 1991 and represented one of the symbols of “brotherhood and unity”.

Nearest Airport


Tour Organizer

3glav Adventures

Recommended Places To Stay

Top: Viharnik

Airbnb and Booking Lists

Famous Historical Sites In Kosovo

Sinan Pasha Mosque 

The Sinan Pasha Mosque is a grand architectural deed of the Old Town of Prizren. It became a Monument of Culture of Exceptional Importance of the Republic of Serbia in 1990. Its construction started in 1600 and finished in 1608. Placed in the very core of the city, it dominates over the skyline of the historic city. Sofi Sinan Pasha provided the main finances.

It has a 43 meters tall minaret with a large dome (14 meters diameter and 20 meters of internal height). The mural paintings give this monumental building a specific spirit. Since the 19th century, the walls and the dome of the mosque have ornaments with floral patterns and Qur’an citations. The minbar gives a breathtaking sight. The large dome and the half-dome of the mosque have lead covering. It also has original stone flooring and carpentry. 

Did You Know?

  • There have been theories that the stones used to build the mosque were a part of the nearby Saint Archangels Monastery. The latter is a Serbian Orthodox monastery founded by Serbian Emperor Stefan Dušan.
  • Prizren is the second-largest city in Kosovo with 177 thousand inhabitants.

Five Famous Citizens

  • Suzi Çelebi (1465 – 1524) – poet and historiographer
  • Pjetër Bogdani (c. 1630 – 1689) – priest, writer and poet
  • Mehdi Bardhi (1927 – ) – linguist, author and teacher
  • Jordan Nikolić (1933 – 2018) – folk singer
  • Ali Haydar Şen (1939 –  ) – journalist and ex-president of Fenerbahçe SK

Nearest Airports


Tour Organizer

Albo Tours

Recommended Places To Stay

Top: Hotel Prizreni

Airbnb and Booking Lists:

Tomb of Sultan Murad

This is the mausoleum of the Ottoman Sultan Murad The First, standing on the north of the capital of Kosovo – Priština. The Battle of Kosovo took place on June 28, 1389. Its belligerents were the Ottoman Empire and the Serbian Principality.

The Serbs got aid from the Kingdom of Bosnia, and the Knights Hospitaler on the other side. It claimed the life of both Murad The First and Prince Lazar of Serbia. Murad’s son Bayezid The First built a mausoleum on the place where his father lost his life. The state decided to bury his internal organs here, where they remain until today. His remaining parts rest in Bursa, which was the Anatolian capital of the Empire.

The place of burial is the Hüdavendigâr complex. The author of Seyahatname, Evliya Çelebi mentioned this site when he visited it in 1660. The tomb bears significance for the Kosovo Muslims.

Did You Know?

  • The Battle of Kosovo was tactically inconclusive, but was devastating for the less numerous Serbs. This event reached near-mythological dimensions among Serbs.

Five Famous Citizens

  • Masihi of Prishtina (1470 – 1512) – poet
  • Branibor Debeljković (1916 – 2003 ) – artist, researcher and professor of photography
  • Melihate Ajeti (1935 – 2005) – actress
  • Enver Petrovci (1954 – ) – actor, writer and director
  • Tringa Hysa (1996 – ) – ballet dancer

Nearest Airport


Tour Organizer

Tours By Locals

Recommended Places To Stay

Top: Emerald Hotel

Airbnb and Booking Lists:

Patriarchate of Peć

Patrikana e pejes on direktorium

This spiritual center stands at the edge of the Rugova Gorge, in the vicinity of Peć. It consists of a set of churches and monasteries. It serves as the symbolic seat of the Serbian Orthodox Church. The remains of many archbishops and patriarchs rest inside it.

The Holy Apostles temple dates from the 13th century. Its founder is Archbishop Arsenije I who was also responsible for its decoration. Between 1321 and 1324, Archbishop Nikodim erected the Saint Dimitrije Temple on the northern side of the Holy Apostles Church.

Later, Archbishop Danilo II ordered the construction of Virgin Odigitrija and Saint Nicholas. They take place on the southern side. He also ordered the construction of the magnificent parvis. This one takes place on the western facades of the St. Demetrius, Holy Apostles, and Holy Virgin Odigitrija churches.

Patriarch Makarije walled up the elegant openings with dual arcades. The complex of churches in Peć offers an entire historical journey through the medieval styles of wall painting. The decoration of the Holy Apostles church dates from 1300, and restored in 1350, 1375, and twice during the 17th century. Around 1345, Patriarch Joanikije ordered the painting of the St. Demetrius Church. Georgije Mitrofanović ordered new layers on the frescoes around 1619 and 1620.

The painting of the Holy Virgin Odigitrija predates 1337, while the decoration of its parvis is somewhat later.

Did You Know?
  • The list of Serbian medieval monuments includes very famous sites. They are the Visoki Dečani (1327), Our Lady of Ljeviš (1306), the Monastery of the Holy Archangels (1352) and the Gračanica Monastery (1321).

Nearest Airport


Tour Organizer

Balkan N’ Adventure

Recommended Places To Stay

Top: Resort Ujevara E Drinit

Booking and Airbnb List:

Famous Historical Sites In Greece

The Acropolis in Athens

This is one of the most popular landmarks in Greece. It’s usually the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Athens. This magnificent site dominates over the Greek capital, and includes remnants of ancient edifices such as the Parthenon, Erechtheion, and the Old Temple of Athena.

Visiting Athens without seeing these sites is impossible. We recommend you come in the early morning so you avoid the tourists.

Five Famous Citizens

  • Aristophanes (446 BC – 386 BC) – comic playwright and poet
  • Plato (428 BC – 348 BC) – philosopher
  • Theo Angelopoulos (1935 – 2012) – filmmaker, screenwriter and film producer
  • Yanis Varoufakis (1961 – ) – economist, academic, philosopher and politician
  • Romain Gavras (1981 – ) – movie director

Nearest Airport


Tour Organizer

Athens Walking Tours

Recommended Places To Stay

Top: Live Life Plaka

Airbnb and Booking List:

Palace of the Grand Masters – Rhodes

The Knights Hospitaller was a medieval and early modern Catholic military order occupying Rhodes from 1309 to 1522. During the 14th century, they built the fortress as a seat of 19 Grand Masters. It was the nerve center of the Collachium (Knights Quarter) and served as the ultimate refuge for the citizens of Rhodes in times of danger. An accidental explosion in 1856 destroyed it.

In 1912 Rhodes became a part of the Kingdom of Italy and the state restored the palace as a house for Mussolini and King Victor Emmanuel III. Some priceless mosaics from sites in Kos take place in the palace. The exhibitions of Ancient and Medieval Rhodes are present too. Today it remains one of the most attractive sites in the Aegean Sea.

Did You Know?

  • One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, The Colossus of Rhodes stood on the island of Rhodes.

Nearest Airports


Tour Organizer

Rhodes Private Tours

Recommended Places To Stay

Top: Nama Retreat

Airbnb and Booking

Temple of Apollo at Delphi

Among the most impressive ruins taking place on the southern foot of the Parnassos mountain is the temple of Apollo. Apollo was the god of music, harmony, and light. He occupied the most important and prominent position in the Delphic Panhellenic Sanctuary. This temple is popular for its imposing style and history. It survived turbulent circumstances throughout its existence.

This meant enduring many phases before taking the form it has these days. Its current form goes back to the 4th century BC. Two legendary architects, Trophonius and Agamedes built the temple around the 7th century BC. Its rebuilding followed after the fire in 6th century BC when it took the name “Temple of Alcmaeonidae” in tribute to an Athenian nobility.

This family oversaw the temple’s construction as funds came throughout Greece and foreign rulers. This Doric order temple had 6 columns at the front, and 15 columns at its flanks.

Did You Know?

  • Apollo’s sacred precinct in Delphi was a Panhellenic Sanctuary. Every four years, athletes from all over the Greek world competed in the Pythian Games, precursors of the Modern Olympics.

Nearest Airports


Tour Organizers

Astoria Travel

Recommended Places To Stay

Top: Fedriades Delphi Hotel

Airbnb and Booking List:

Knossos in Crete

View of the ancient ruins of famous Knossos palace at Crete, Greece

5 kilometers south of the city of Heraklion stood the center of Minoan civilization and the capital of Minoan Crete. It had huge palace edifices, large workshop facilities, extravagant rock-cut cave, and dome-shaped tombs.

Knossos maintained ties with many cities in the Eastern Mediterranean, as a major economic and trade center. Hallmarks of its zenith were wealth accumulation and the advancement of an urban lifestyle. It began circa 2000 BC. It was also marked by magnificent monumental edifices and a perplexing social arrangement. The main site of interest at Knossos is the Minoan Palace.

This essential city of antiquity existed from the Neolithic period until the 5th century AD. With straightforward access to the sea and the Cretan interior, the palace stands on the Kepala Hill. Legend says it was the seat of the wise king Minos. The Palace relates to many stories from Greek mythology. Among them is the myth of the Labyrinth with the Minotaur, and Daedalus and Icarus.

Did You Know?

  • Knossos is the largest Bronze Age archaeological site on Crete and is estimated to be Europe’s oldest city.

Five Famous Citizens

  • Francesco Barozzi (1537 – 1604) – mathematician, astronomer and humanist
  • El Greco (1541 – 1614) – painter, sculptor, and architect
  • Kalliroi Siganou-Parren (1859 – 1940) – journalist, writer and feminist activist.
  • Nikos Kazantzakis (1883 – 1957) – writer
  • Odysseas Elytis (1911 – 1996) – poet and Nobel Prize Winner

Nearest Airports


Tour Organizers

Visit Knossos

Recommended Places To Stay

Top: Capsis Astoria Heraklion

Airbnb and Booking List

Final Words

There you have it, the list of 44 historical sites you can visit throughout the Balkans. Yes, it’s almost impossible to do so during the Covid pandemic, but the least you can do is a plan and learn some facts about these places even if you don’t go there tomorrow.

Or don’t go. Your choice.

If you don’t go, maybe you want to check out our list of the 40+ most beautiful waterfalls across the Balkan peninsula.