Fresh, cold mountain air, pine forests, no wifi, homemade red wine and 300 people that you get to share all of that with – This is probably the shortest overview of the dreamy trip called Begovo Pole.
Happens once per year in Macedonia, just below one of the highest peaks called Solunska Glava and it’s a mountain party you don’t want to miss out on.
Here’s a bit longer overview of the party and the trip:
[slideshare id=118737235&doc=begovopole-181008203740&type=d]

Avid travelers, passionate fishermen, and all-around great guys to hang out with (therefore the reason why they are the ones traveling around and not the rest of us, introverts and repulsive individuals). When not writing about their latest trip or catch, they drink beer, play the synth and call their friends to unpurposefully annoy them. A lot.