5 Minimalist Home Offices To Die Working For

To clutter or not to clutter? That is the question that no director ever asked himself ever. Why? Because they know that the key to efficiency and effectiveness lies in keeping things simple and this includes your home office as the prime place that you need to design in the most minimalist way possible. Go brutal with minimalism, and reach a point where you don’t even have walls or ceilings in your home office! Hell, you shouldn’t even have pants on. So that’s why this list here should give you some ideas on how you can help your current office shed some un-necessities or build a completely new one!

5 Minimalist Home Office Designs

Floating Table Office

Copyright by Home Designing

Not just because you get a ton of space underneath the table but also…why not? A floating table is a must in every director’s home office. Get a good thick wooden panel (black or brown polished wood) and install it on your wall. You get a sense of outer worldliness particularly if you got a good view from your window. Word of advice though, don’t sit on it or do stuff with your secretary on it.

Borrowed From Home Designing

Black Power!

Copyrights By Decoist

The word frugal gets a new meaning here and it takes the shape of a black and white minimalist office design. Might seem like nobody works here (no laptops and stuff), but if you have a home office like this it means you already made the moneyz and probably out on Bali suntanning!

Borrowed From Decoist

Office With A Multi-Purpose Work Desk

Copyrights by Architecture Art Design

You work a bit, then you just slide to the left and take a nap! The person who designed this must be lazy by nature and all directors thank him for being who he is! Simple, minimalistic, and unobtrusive design that declutters your home office. Add an amazing view like the one above and you have your perfect minimalistic nap…work office at home.

Borrowed From Architecture Art Design

A Glass Of White

minimalist home office
Copyrights By DigsDigs

It looks like there’s no table at all and your room gets a boost in size just by replacing the standard desk with this L-shaped glass art piece. I’d be very careful about throwing tantrums while at this desk. FYI don’t come in your home office drunk, you’ll probably shatter everything to pieces.

Borrowed From DigsDigs

Natural Minimalism

Copyrights By Inspiration Feed

The ultimate dream of every director (or at least one of those dreams) is to have a home office, in a remote area outside of the urban jungle with great wifi and access to burgers. Check out the masterfully positioned window, as if someone just sliced through the room and let the sunshine in! Just added this to our bucket list. Nature, wooden minimal desk, and a burger. Minimalism at its finest.

Borrowed From Inspiration Feed

More Resources

Already chosen your home office? You might want to choose the tools to help you run your remote team too. Check our massive list of the best remote tools to do that.

Want to invest in your next remote cabin where you’ll be making them money in peace and quiet? Check our guide here on the best remote home designs.

How about some tips on organizing your home office and being productive? You deserve it!